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Counter Pressure Units - UO-ED Z Series with Duplex Softener (50 - 1200 l/h)

The ready-to-connect combi unit includes a pre-filter, a backflow preventer, a duplex water softener, a limitron hardness control device and a counterpressure reverse osmosis unit. It is used for the desalination of water with a salinity of up to 1,000 mg/l . It is designed for a permeate counterpressure of 4 bars and can be operated with up to 7 bars. The unit is equipped with a compact rotary vane pump (unit size 50 and 150) or a high-quality centrifugal pump (unit size 300 - 1,200) as well as a full-flow diaphragm pressure vessel. The microprocessor controller RO digital enables fully automatic operation with logging of all relevant operating data and freely adjustable limit values.